AMM Family Law attorney Melanie J. Wender will serve as Moderator of program entitled “Dirt and Divorce – The Intersection of Real Estate Law and Family Law. This continuing legal education workshop will occur at 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. on Friday, July 12th. The presentation explores the various issues practitioners and courts need to consider when dealing with real estate in divorce matters. The panel will present the perspectives of a seasoned judge, expert broker and practitioner as they address the complexities, pitfalls and best practices involved in addressing real estate issues in the context of equitable distribution and support including, but not limited to, issues involving the marital residence, investment properties, commercial properties, refinancing, assumptions and other property ownership interests. Wender moderates the program which includes Speakers: Hon. James M. McMaster, Bucks County Court of Common Pleas; Catherine A. Curcio, Esq.; Ken Feinman, Cross Country Mortgage.
The workshop is offered as a part of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Family Law Section Summer Meeting hosted from July 11 – 14, 2024 at Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa & Marina, Cambridge, MD. To access the brochure and register, visit 2024FamilyLawSummerMeeting.pdf (pabar.org)
Melanie Wender is a dedicated and supportive advocate for individuals and families facing the sensitive issues involved in family law matters. Ms. Wender focuses her practice exclusively in all aspects of divorce and family law. She is also experienced in adoption issues and has assisted many clients in making this life-changing process as seamless and smooth as possible, allowing the family to focus on welcoming their new child.